CM Fairlane Mk 11 range unveiled at National Funeral Exhibition Coleman Milne, the Bolton-based manufacturer of coach-built limousines and hearses, unveiled the latest addition to the Fairlane range of Funeral vehicles at the 2009 National Funeral Exhibition at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. The hearse and limousine, based on the 4 litre Australian Ford Fairlane were exhibited…
N & K Harvey
Pictured is Neil Harvey of N&K Harvey independent Funeral Directors of Leyland taking delivery of a Volvo Fleet from Eddie Marsden, Used Sales Manager of Coleman & Milne.Neil and his Wife Kath purchased the vehicles during a visit to the Used Car Open Day event held at the factory of the Westhoughton-based coachbuilder.N&K Harvey was…
Mercedes for R.E Tonkin & Son
New Mercedes Fleet for R.E Tonkin & Son This photo shows Eric Tonkin (funeral director) and grandson Mark Tonkin standing next to their new Mercedes hearse and limousine supplied by Eddie Marsden of Coleman Milne. Cornish funeral directors, R.E Tonkin & Son made the long trip to Bolton to a Coleman Milne open day in…
Abercrombie Funeral Directors
Coleman Milne is delighted to welcome Mr John Abercrombie as a first time customer after purchasing his Ford Hearse from John Haggerty of Coleman Milne. John Abercrombie of Abercrombie Joiners and Funeral Directors has been in business for 27 years in the Scottish Borders and is happy with his new vehicle. We wish John continued…
Helliwells Funeral Service
Pictured are Keith Lawson and his team at Helliwells Funeral Service, and Byram UK Repatriation, of Stott House, Burnley Rd, Colne, Lancashire. Taking delivery of their latest fleet of New Coleman Milne vehicles. Keith choose another Mk10 Cardinal Hearse and Dorchester Limousine.

Contact Our Sales Team
To find out more about Coleman Milne Funeral vehicles, including booking a test drive or visiting our design and manufacturing facility, contact us on 01942 815 600